See You Again,Kathmandu——百度经典广告1.png

See You Again,加德满都


看到标题中的See You Again,相信很多人都会想起保罗,技术让我们在《速度与激情7》里看到了他的完美谢幕,可尼泊尔还没有、加德满都也没有,这一次我们一起努力,重现加德满都。请看See You Again,加德满都’百度全景尼泊尔古迹复原行动广告

这样的广告无疑会让无数的文青或旅游爱好者主动帮其传播,并上传图片以其可以尽快恢复。See You Again,加德满都’百度全景尼泊尔古迹复原行动上线仅8天,主要宣传H5PC端的PV超过20万,收到来自海内外网友上传的尼泊尔古迹相关照片42108张,成功对尼泊尔地震损毁的8座古迹进行数字化复原。既然提及See You Again我们还是要缅怀一下Paul哒。




At 2:11 PM on the afternoon of April 25, 2015, a magnitude 8.1 earthquake struckNepal. Along with a devastating loss of life, many ancient buildings in Kathmandu and other parts ofNepalwere severely damaged. On April 29, Chinese Internet company Baidu launched an initiative called "See You Again, Kathmandu," which aims to restore the damaged buildings ofNepalin 3D by crowd sourcing photos by tourists and residents using Baidu Maps panorama technology. This will enable users who haven't been toNepalto see these historic cultural treasures as they were before the tragic earthquake. If you've been toNepaland have pictures you can contribute, we urge you to upload them.

10252015大中华区艾菲奖在西安隆重揭晓,“‘See You Again,加德满都’百度全景尼泊尔古迹复原行动,博得2015艾菲实效节头彩,荣耀夺得2015艾菲全场大奖。

艾菲奖(EFFIE AWARDS)创立于1968年,是纽约美国营销协会为表彰每年度投放广告达到目标,并获得优异成绩的广告主、广告公司所专门设置的特别广告奖项。它与嘎纳奖、克里奥奖等国际奖项的区别在于,它更集中关注广告带来的实际效果。艾菲奖不仅是对广告效果的评估,而且还是对广告代理策划公司以及广告主广告策划实施能力水平的一次严格检验。赢得艾菲奖,就意味着赢得了市场挑战的成功。