
苹果WWDC2017 2017苹果全球开发者大会想要说些什么呢.jpg

苹果全球开发者大会(英文全称是Worldwide Developers Conference”),简称为“WWDC”,每年定期由苹果公司(Apple Inc.)在美国举办。大会主要的目的是让苹果公司向研发者们展示最新的软件和技术。



Technology alone is not enough.

Technology must intersect with the liberal arts and the humanities, to create new ideas and experiences that push society forward. This summer we bring together thousands of brilliant minds representing many diverse perspectives, passions, and talents to help us change the world.




文案第一句第一次被乔布斯提及是在 1985 年他接受《花花公子》的采访时,谈论如何才能让办公电脑不那么枯燥。而上一次乔布斯说出这句话是在 2011 3 iPad 2 发布会上。今年,再次启用,是致敬乔布斯,也是回归梦想开始的地方(San Jose)。

Less is more”不止体现在Apple苹果公司的产品设计及应用上,在其邀请函及产品宣传文案上同样是惜墨如金,通常只会用短短一行字,甚至一个单词当做前戏,但这次的邀请函,却首次破例用宣言的方式开头,还修改了乔布斯在当年 iPad 2 发布会上说过的一段话:

It's in Apple's DNA that technology alone is not enough. That it's technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our hearts sing.

原话中的married with(与…结合)”被改写为“intersect with(与…相交)”,而 “that yields us a result that makes our hearts sings” 则被改写为 “to create new ideas and experiences that push society forward”。

welcome” 放在了最重要的位置上,让各种肤色的小人布满画面,并让他们彼此互动……对于这些不同寻常的安排,你不妨YY成这是Apple 在借机怼川普。永远包容每一种文化,对有才能有热情的人敞开大门,或许才是Apple想要通过这张邀请函表达的

2017年:欢迎来到,WWDC2017.Welcom to WWDC17

2016:你好,WWDC 2016。(Hello, WWDC 2016.

2015:变革的中心。(The Epicenter of Change.

2014:编写代码。改变世界。(Write the Code. Change the World.

2013:全新的世界正在开展(A whole new world is developing.

2012:奇思妙想,卓越再造(Where great ideas go on to do great things.

2010: 应用世界的中心(The center of the app universe.

2009: 一年之后,数光年领先(One year later, light years ahead.

2007: 扩充你的世界(Expand your universe.

2006: 你来到了正确的平台(Youve come to the right platform.

2005: 创新引领创新(Innovation leads to innovation.